Monday, 7 March 2011

Animation Concepts Module 2011 - Year 2

We have started a new module, Animation Concepts, continuing our yaer two studies. Since the start of this year, we now have two deadlines per module. The first deadline is technically 4 or 5 weeks in, a work in progress submission to see where we are up to, for the tutor to check we are on the right track. This is usually 20-30% of the final mark. Unfortunatley we have introduction lectures to the subject before we get the assignment brief, so in this case we only have actually two weeks to work to the brief. The Brief We are to create an 11-second animation that conveys a mood/ emotion through characterisation, based on a story, narrative or section of audio. Upon our first deadline, 22/03, we must submit a pre-planning animatic. This is an animated version of our storyboard. We will be marked on the cinematography, story-telling, pace and style and how it is synced to the audio. The rendered animation needs to convey the mood and emotion, as well as demonstrate our understanding of the 12 principles of animation. We must show the techiques that we have developed in animation, artistic ability, texturing and lighting. The rendered verison needs to be in Quicktime format, H.264 Compression Codec, 640x480, 1500 kps data rate, Apple lossless (AAC), Stereo (L,R), 44.1 KHz, maximum file size 30mb. Wooooooo. Having never animated anything before, this is going to be a fair old challenge.

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